General furniture contains formaldehyde, but some exceed the standard and some do not exceed the standard. Because some furniture is made of glue, the formaldehyde content is very high. If the home has formaldehyde, it is not suitable for living. Next, Luxury Hotel Furniture Suppliers will come Teach you how to judge whether there is formaldehyde in the room:
1. Smell the smell especially when purchasing. If it makes people shed tears or sneeze, it means that furniture emits a high amount of formaldehyde and should not be purchased.
2. Consumers can request a quality inspection report from the hotel furniture manufacturer to see if the amount of formaldehyde emitted by the furniture is within the allowed range of the standard.
3. Most of the wood furniture with excessive formaldehyde uses cheap man-made panels, so you can't blindly pursue low prices, quality is more important.
Through the above introduction,5 Star Hotel Furniture Wholesaler hopes that you can simply refer to the content of this article in future use.