First off, I think that the Runcrafting minigame

  • Sals says this. I want to OSRS gold know what ring, what bow... ( Does D Bow count as my best?) ... and when my arrows come back to me in the end of the match. Additionally, the helm, will an arma helm be better? Arrows dont return to you in the end of the game. I've heard emptiness takes approximately 7-14hrs, I never bothered recording time but it was around 10hrs. I would not recommend opting for void, unless you plan on renewing membership.

    First off, I think that the Runcrafting minigame, the Great Orb Project, is the best money for f2p. Get 50 RC ASAP! Train Atk and Str on Guys at Edgeville. Move on to the Guards at the palace in Al Kharid, also finishing off at the Flesh Crawlers in the second Stronghold of Secruity. The ideal place for Flesh Crawlers is the south-east corner room. After hitting 20 or so, move on to the Minotaurs at the very first level of the Stronghold of all Secruity. Find an area that matches for your liking and safespot from behind a fence. They drop iron arrows quite frequently so it's pretty much free training. After 50, return to the flesh crawlers in that south-west corner room. You can secure spot these in the square in the door closest to the wall. This works for both doorways.

    If you would like food, go to world 1 where folks power fishing, then offering free trout/salmon. Magic: Train the mage dumbies until it prevents you from doing so. You will by then obtained the magic level required for some curses. Cast these curse spells on the Zamorak monk in the Varrock Castle, directly behind the stairs. When the level is achieved, you can also superheat (really quick xp, and you break even if you make steel bars) or higher alch. Leave prayer alone, maintain your attack at 40 (45 in the event that you get the gravite 2h).

    Well, glacors fall three expensive sets of cheap RuneScape gold boots - I believe they are 8M, 15M and like 22M. These are dropped, on average (from what I'm told - please correct me if I am incorrect ) after every 500-1000 kills. Glacors aren't the fastest things to kill (albeit, not the slowest by far). Lets say, subsequently, Glacors drop approx. 15M every 500 kills. I say 500 since there are different drops (notably shards), so this helps to account for these drops.