I played it for Animal Crossing Bells like 350 hours over a couple of months which makes it my most played game and then one day did not feel like playing and haven't touched it since. I adore so much about it just realised just how much of my time was spent wasting doing things that shouldn't take so long as it will like buying tickets or seeing islands etc.. We had 4 players seeing each others islands every day to mess about and see new things it would take so long just waiting for folks to get there.
I have been a gamer for many 30 decades of my life. My mom has been a part of me becoming every games from NES for my PS5. I got her animal crossing for Xmas (well, the switch along with a guarantee of the match ).
She's played animal crossing every single moment. She retired early bc of this pandemic and wellness issues, and I can see her escaping issues from the match.
I can not even explain how much I appreciate this sport and what it's done for my mother. I finally feel like I've given back some of Cheap Nook Miles Ticket the joy that she has helped me along with my entire life. It warms my heart every time I see her pick up her switch.