Understand The Safety Of Disposable Wooden Tableware

  • From the initial foaming type to the current degradable type of disposable tableware, the use of disposable lunch boxes has been increasing unabated. Office workers and students are the main people who use disposable lunch boxes. From the original disposable plastic tableware to the current disposable wooden tableware , both the safety and environmental protection levels have been greatly improved, and the use is also a lot more assured.

    Wooden tableware is very popular nowadays. Wooden tableware gives people a natural and simple feeling, and can also increase the artistic atmosphere of the home. Wooden tableware is very light, strong, and durable, and has many advantages. Wooden tableware is generally painted on the outside with environmentally friendly products such as raw lacquer, wood wax oil, and water-based paint. These environmentally friendly products are also painted on the outside that does not directly contact the food, rather than directly painted on the inside. Therefore, when using wooden tableware, food-grade oils such as olive oil can be used to protect and brush the internal food-contact areas.

    So generally speaking, disposable wooden tableware is still very safe to use. The disposable paper bowl is made of safer materials, so as long as you choose a good one, you can use it in daily life with confidence.