The Dual Shield Forge Guard using Shield Bash is a top contender in Last Epoch. With over 500 corruption capability, this setup is one of the strongest defensive and offensive builds in the game.
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Shield Bash Spam: Uses block effectiveness for insane damage.
Perma Stun Bosses: Keep enemies locked down with high stun chance.
Ultimate Survivability: Uses Ring of Shields, Sigils of Hope, and Healing Hands for sustain.
Activate Ring of Shields and Sigils of Hope.
Rush into battle with Shield Rush.
Spam Shield Bash to deal huge stun-locking damage.
Keep sigils active for extra healing and buffs.
Monument of Protection: Enables dual-shield use.
Soul Bastion: Provides essential block effectiveness.
Increased Block Effectiveness Stun Chance Idols
Flat Health Armor Idols