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  • Suppliers Tell You The Difference Between Finishes

      There are many chrome and stainless steel bathroom accessories on the market, especially in homes, hotels, and many other bathrooms. For example, a custom chromed plastic basin faucet and a stainless steel faucet have their pros and cons, both look great, but which one is better?   Chrome al...
  • Process Introduction Of Plastic Abs Basin Faucet With Chromed

         Plastic faucets have excellent chemical properties and insulation properties of plastics. The plastic faucet has good high-temperature resistance and is not easy to scratch. In particular, most of the plastic faucets on the market are made of ABS plastic. The ABS plastic in&...
  • Take You To Understand Plastic Faucets

    There are many styles of faucets on the market. In addition to common stainless steel faucets, plastic faucets are also widely used.   Most of the plastic faucets on the market are made of ABS plastic. ABS plastic is a new type of non-toxic and tasteless material with excellent chemical proper...