Beware of frauds in Runescape


    Fraud methods. There are many scam ways to play OSRS Gold like armour trimming and money doubling, trust games, and so on. What are the signs of scamming? The definition of scamming is when someone steals items or money from another individual through trickery or deceit. It is against the rules and could result in a suspension or silence. It is possible to report a scammer who has attempted or succeeded in scamming. Here's details about the most commonly used scams that people use on RuneScape.

    Doubling money. This scam is one of the most popular scams in RuneScape. The majority Of "money doublers" can be seen in Grand Exchange on a worlds with lots of people. So, basically scammer types that claim to double your money. If for example, you offer him 100k, he'll claim to pay back double. So you will get 200k. Scammers' double small amounts of cash often, such as 100K, 200K, and then when you believe in the scammer and deposit a substantial amount of money into a trade the scammer leave the site. Certain scammers have friends nearby and are sending messages to inform him of an individual who doubles his funds. Therefore, more people believe in him.

    Inventory with scams. You'll notice a number of people wandering around and typing "giving free sharks/gems/other stuff such as that, display your an inventory to determine the number of spaces you have". When you show your inventory, he will immediately add sharks or an product and hope that you'll agree and believe that the person is offering free sharks.

    Scam of fitting armour to trim. It is one of the oldest scams which exist in RuneScape. Trimming your armour is when a scammer offers the victim to trim his armour for free, more times rune armours with
    RuneScape Gold. He requests you trade your armours. He offers to trade you back running armour (trimmed). Make sure you know that players can't trim armour. Anyone who offers the possibility of trimming armour should be reported for item scamming.