Theres YouTube videos all over the area to help out

  • What is the ideal method to get a reasonably new player (no more opals and just more economical pds) to make MT? I am low spender. I recommend being clever with your own contracts, save lots of MT that way. PD contracts charge a lot more than emeralds. For below and diamond, do not utilize contract cards, simply try to go into a match when your contracts are out on specific players, and choose"Purchase contracts for players that are affected " There is no reason if you're doing his sim, for 19, to NBA 2K MT run 9 PDs. Having a bench of emeralds and what not will save MT, especially if you rotate them from the lineup when their contracts run out. A guide runs up with my starters, then see how long it can be held by a random ass bench. It's 2 minutes it's 2 quarters. I think that method will save 1000s in MT.

    Diamond contracts are inexpensive. Slap one on them if you know you'll play with 100 games or more using a player. Playing with TTO using 3 diamond contracts is fine. With tier PDs though it is difficult to devote to 100 games. Perhaps like Jeremy Lin if you think you could work on evoing him? I've a diamond contract on Dino, should I put a different one on a wiggins? I like using him but I don't know if it is worth it. You and domination and spotlight struggles will receive tokens and cards too.

    You are given a good chunk by kobe challenges. Heard some people were making money reselling for greater so that an option and sniping the pack players that were cheap such as luol deng. Since Opal and PD Tmac are TTO rewards you can grind that and hope you get lucky enough to get one. One warning though everybody on such manner is currently definitely going full tryhard. I have been attempting to play but'm becoming jaded by facilities that are opal pressing. Thanks for the sniping tip though. Learn to use the auction house. Theres YouTube videos all over the area to help out. I sell diamond shoes because they are hard so you may get far to filter.

    I have a tendency to have a flair for the dramatic if trying to guess what the state of NBA 2K is so I will ask here just to be sure - what's the state of Threat? Is it as toxic as I fear it's using all the Tmac drops or are there some games being played? Would really like to go for a Tmac card but if it is going to require me losing my sanity and cheesing then it's honestly not worth.Its not worse no Ive been winning more actually not even playing badly I only lost one game today in like 20 games and im still going now so yeah idk you have ta try on your own and if you win or lose prizes on the boards are gonna be the exact same so yeah.

    Receive the budget beasts. The majority of your lineup includes. Don't get involved in rating or diamond standing. You would be cost 15k to create by A 5 of bonga, batum, stephenson, bamba, bagley and would be a big improvement. Additionally do the spotlight sim for Buy NBA 2K MT Coins cam reddish ASAP.