Preparation of medical equipment before cleaning


    Point-of-use preparation for instrument decontamination

      The preparation of instruments at the point of use does not replace the cleaning process - it is the beginning of the cleaning process.

      Point-of-use preparation can extend the life of surgical instruments, as dry blood and salts can cause the decomposition of stainless steel,

      Makes surgical instruments more difficult to clean.

      The following guidelines should be followed before shipping items to SSD for cleaning:

       Wear PPE to protect yourself

       Remove fabrics and disposables from instruments and discard them properly

      - Sharps, such as blades and needles, should be discarded properly

      - Separate sharps can cause injury to medical personnel

       Wipe away any dirt from the instrument with a damp clean dry cloth.

       Pre-cleaning (such as soaking or spraying) prevents soils from drying out on instruments, making them easier to clean

       Cleaning products should be suitable for use in medical devices and approved by the device manufacturer

      Sterilized and then cleaned instruments soaked

      Soaking instruments in a 0.5% chlorine solution or any other disinfectant prior to cleaning is not recommended for the following reasons:

       It may damage/corrode instruments

       Disinfectants can be inactivated by blood and body fluids, which can be a source of microbial contamination and biofilm formation

       Transporting contaminated items soaked in chemical disinfectants to the decontamination area may pose a risk to medical staff and lead to inappropriate

      proper handling and accidental damage

       May lead to the development of bioresistance to disinfectants

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