Ganodermics are quite good for all things magical

  • With regard to bolts, it is possible to OSRS gold now use any bolts on any bow. The compatibility issue is gone. If you are using level 80 royal bolts in conjunction with crossbows of LV 70, the bolts will be capped with a damage limit as if they were Level 70 bolts. If you have an offhand level 60 bow your mainhand bow will be capped at lv70 bolt damage and the offhand bow will have a cap of level 60 damage. In reality, I buy Royals because they're the cheapest therefore it's not a huge deal either way.

    Ganodermics are quite good for all things magical. I tested this on beta in which you die, they don't actually perish, that's a bonus. Beware of weapons that were once special attack weapons since those special attacks are coming back. read the Combat beta for more info.

    The stuff with added critical rate are useless IMO. Its more about accuracy and base damage than critical values. For instance the fire cape isn't comparable to the skillcape IMO.

    I'm now almost 90 percent flatwith only about 2M range experience is separating me from my target. I recently purchased a drygore mace, and am looking to purchase an offhand version. I'm getting close to being completely clean though, having to resort to the hybrid Warpriest equipment.

    What's the best option for old school runescape gold me with my skills? (While offering competitive experiences) So far, I've seen Ascension beasts and Glacors, Automatons... What would I be killing?