A Specialization statistic is exclusive to your class

  • Expertise

    The Expertise stat Lost Ark Gold dramatically alters the way the effects of Debuffs impact you and your enemies. Expertise boosts the duration of Debuffs when they are cast upon enemies and increases the damage associated with Stagger effects. It also decreases the duration of the Debuffs cast on you.


    A Specialization statistic is exclusive to your class. All abilities, classeskill specific types, or different types of damage are improved by the addition of points to Specialization. For instance, the Spell points to the Paladin sub-class increase the efficiency that you can use Holy Aura, the rate that you can increase the Piety meter and the damage from Awakening. Refer to the Specialization section of your Character Profile to see how it affects the specific class you are.

    From challenges to free-roaming you'll find plenty to test your skill in Lost Ark. At some point you'll have to face world bosses, which are formidable creatures that appear in specific regions of the map.

    World bosses will be Lost ark gold buy relatively larger than regular monsters and they're unlikely to always be present. When a world boss is killed it will take about thirty minutes to respawn. If you're unable to locate a world-class boss in its dedicated spawn and you're not sure, you'll need to return sometime later or be the first person to eliminate it after it respawns.