This is due to the low quantity of NBA 2K22 MT next-generation appliances which will be put in homes. Zelnick states, "It's always an intersection between taking the time to ensure that the system's name is remarkable and being aware of the base." "The installed base will be a lot smaller next week than it would be towards the end of the calendar in 2021."
Take-Two and other publishers will not see next-gen systems as the main source of their profits any time soon. The reason is that their release dates don't match with the PS5 or Xbox Series X. Zelnick is positive about their potential to bring to the gaming industry.
Much like a lot of gamers However, he does observe that the capacity of the hard drives on both systems may be insufficient. Also, Take-Two is, as of now, has not shown a lot of Buy MT 2K22 enthusiasm regarding cloud gaming, which means this could be a pain point for the company and gamers who enjoy its games.