It sounds like an easy way

  • The current plan is a change from TBC Classic Gold the game's original concept of two factions. This has been the core idea of Warcraft since the very beginning. An alternative is to give players a free option to change factions (mindful you can restrict the change to one account per character) and allow players are able to swap their entire character.

    It sounds like an easy way to make it impossible to create new characters on horde but the implications and backdraft could be massive with plausible arguments such as "I want to play with my buddies" or "I want to join Horde, since I love orcs."

    You also need to limit the creation of Horde-related characters on all servers in the bgpool. This isn't feasible or even practical.

    People were able to exchange queue times for quite some time. But they didn't. They didn't utilize the transfer servers that are free. It's not surprising for me, as the majority of people play their preferred game or wherever their friends are. It's difficult to change this.

    "I want to play with my friends" is a terrible argument against having balanced servers or buy WOW Classic TBC Gold bg pools. In addition that it is possible to change factions means that players can currently play with their buddies as an alliance instead of being horde.