Onyxia's Lair is a classic raid in World of Warcraft (WoW), offering unique challenges and valuable loot. This guide provides strategies, tips, and information to help you conquer Onyxia in WoW Classic and the Season of Discovery.
Before entering Onyxia's Lair, players must complete an attunement questline. Attunement guides are available for both Alliance and Horde players.
Onyxia Summary by Role
- Tanks: Always face Onyxia away from the raid, manage adds during Phase 2, and quickly build threat upon Onyxia's landing in Phase 3.
- Healers: Priests and Shamans should use Fear removal and prevention spells on the tank during Phase 3. Keep the raid topped up to prevent deaths during fear downtime.
- DPS: Ranged DPS should save cooldowns for Phase 2 to burn Onyxia down quickly. Melee DPS should focus on adds in Phase 2, while ranged DPS can assist with adds in Phase 3. All DPS should cease attacking temporarily in Phase 3 to allow the tank to regain threat.
General Tips
All players should consider bringing Fire Resistance gear and potions, especially if the raid struggles with Phase 2.
Fight Strategy
The fight against Onyxia is divided into three main phases:
- Phase 1: Onyxia is on the ground (100% to 65% HP).
- Phase 2: Onyxia takes flight (65% to 40% HP).
- Phase 3: Onyxia lands again (40% to 0% HP).
Phase 1
This phase resembles a typical dragon fight.
- The tank should position Onyxia facing a wall to prevent her tail from hitting the raid.
- The raid stacks to one side of Onyxia, avoiding her tail.
- DPS should allow the tank to establish sufficient threat before attacking. Onyxia cannot be taunted.
- Be aware of Onyxia's Knock Away ability, which reduces the tank's threat.
Phase 2
Onyxia flies into the air at 65% HP.
- Ranged DPS should focus on Onyxia, while melee DPS handle adds.
- Save DPS cooldowns for this phase to burn Onyxia down quickly.
- Assign groups to manage adds on each side of the room, each with a dedicated healer.
- Avoid Onyxia's Breath ability by moving out of its path. Hunters can use Track Dragonkin to monitor Onyxia's position.
- Stay spread out to minimize splash damage from Onyxia's fire attacks.
Phase 3
Phase 3 is similar to Phase 1.
- DPS should stop attacking to allow the tank to regain threat.
- The raid should position themselves as in Phase 1.
- Be prepared for Onyxia to periodically fear the raid, followed by eruptions from the floor.
- Assign groups to handle whelps that spawn.
- Have a Shaman or Priest ready to remove or prevent fear on the tank.
Beyond the thrill of downing Onyxia and acquiring powerful loot, many players also recognize the economic opportunities presented by raiding in WoW Classic. Efficiently farming Onyxia can be a reliable source of income, as valuable items and materials obtained within her lair can be sold for WoW Gold Classic. This WoW Gold can then be used to acquire essential consumables, better gear, or even fund other in-game endeavors, making raid preparation and execution not only a matter of progression but also a strategic economic decision.
Furthermore, mastering the Onyxia encounter and optimizing your raid's performance can significantly impact your ability to generate WoW Gold. Speed and efficiency translate directly into more frequent raid completions, increasing the flow of loot and, subsequently, WoW Gold into your pockets. Therefore, understanding the nuances of each phase, assigning roles effectively, and coordinating strategies are not only crucial for overcoming the challenges within Onyxia's Lair, but also for maximizing your economic potential within the world of WoW Classic.
Important Abilities
- Phase 1:
- Tail Sweep: Onyxia sweeps her tail, damaging and knocking back players behind her.
- Flame Breath: Onyxia breathes fire in a cone in front of her.
- Wing Buffet: Onyxia damages and knocks back enemies in front of her.
- Knock Away: Onyxia knocks back her current target, reducing their threat.
- Phase 2:
- Breath: Onyxia flies across the room, breathing fire.
- Phase 3:
- Bellowing Roar: Onyxia fears the entire raid.
- Eruption: Cracks in the floor explode, dealing Fire damage.
Onyxia is immune to Fire damage and taunts.
Onyxia Loot in Season of Discovery
In Season of Discovery, players can obtain new and improved loot. Examples include:
- Eskhandar's Collar
- Shard of the Scale
- Dragonslayer's Signet
- Onyxia Blood Talisman
- Onyxia Tooth Pendant