Runescape is an MMORPG right?

  • The system makes simply a copy of those things to OSRS gold you'd lose if there was not a gravestone and place the copies into the torso: everybody happy, PKer got loot and sufferer (lesser happy) still obtained his items if he had been in time to receive his things out of his gravestone back. However, I feel a player ought to be protected from getting killed before he reaches his gravestone so he still have a chance to get his stuff back and when his gravestone collaps, his protection from getting killed will also be gone.

    This notion means there will be getting an increasing number of items in the market so Jagex will make skills such as building which"eats" an quantity of cash or items by being a costly skill. This may bring back RWT and also make it even easier so NO. So my idea was, to place in the gods theirself in the match!

    On the north is an altar with a couple nature animals around it (it was generally the location where guthix are ). To the shore is Zamorak, with 10 chaos Druids surrounding him. The chaos druids are non-aggresive, but Zamorak is. To the northeast is Saradomin and is non-aggresive. Additionally, there are 10 normal Druids surrounding him (non-aggresive). If you begin attacking saradomin, he'll yell"Are you an assassin from Zamorak? And he"ll suspend you for 5 minutes.

    Runescape is an MMORPG right? In my view, its only an MMOPG. I just don't find a roleplaying element anymore. There are very few different items to use to roleplay and nowhere to roleplay. Jagex should include a couple of realms dedicated to roleplaying, an individual should be a freeplayers and rest should be associates. In these worlds, it would be against the rules to speak out of character (except privately and clan chats). After enough offences, you would be suspended out of roleplaying realms for a while.

    Additionally, jagex should give folks an option while at the clothes store in varrok (forgot the title ) to instead of actually changing your outfit, get it into thing form. This would let you take clothes on and off, more of a roleplaying like fashion. More boots and buy RS gold hats should obviously be added.