I'm not sure I'm falling behind way too much. I'm really excited about wrath as well as Lich King. I've WoTLK Gold had lots of thoughts on classic Lau in regards to vanilla or if it was burning crusade , and some of the background of how it's changed over the last few years. And what's coming up for the future . I've been thinking about making a video before graph launches , but it's basically stating exactly what I think about everything from beginning to finish and I'm wondering if anyone would even be interested in hearing that like the good the bad, everything I'm pleased with the things that I'm extremely proud of or even things I regret.
I'm not sure but I think it's cool. Mitch Jones is going to move in soon for wrath launch. So we'll have me Grayson and Mitch all living together. I do think it'd be super funny if me Grayson together with Mitch were in arenas with each other like a person must learn to heal maybe Grayson might be able to heal because Grayson is has a God and we things like red mage disapproval or something.
I don't I don't know what Grayson could play and it's awful if we had our own arenas that were LAN. Maybe maybe even I learned how to heal. I'm pretty proficient in vanilla and Holy, and I'm ok in Burning Crusade I actually didn't play holy throughout Burning Crusade My thing is I'm pretty proficient at reading written material Dude.
I'm so laggy Why should I play as a beginner I am referring to two different games but right now the new game is out those who like classic, while others prefer the classic style more while some people prefer retail more . Personally, I've always enjoyed class more in the past. If you're a new player, make sure to subscribe my youtube channel YouTube SPN TV also VM follow the stream and if you'd like to follow, you can do so by following the stream and download the extension so you'll get information on what's happening with the stream I'm just trying to I'm just trying to make it through and simply leave as little as possible if I even can that's why I'm even doing resume
Brandon BG Yeah, certainly thinks that way. retail at all? Not really.
I like I always say there's a difference between streaming something or playing something and I'm sure that's what I'm doing with retail, because I didn't really I've not played retail since I would consider the ending the game as Burning Crusade the beginning of anger and possibly when Cataclysm begins a little bit like playing for a few weeks or so at the beginning of an expansion. Like I'll stream it I'll give you as my thoughts and opinions on it. There are, however, being massive changes that the game has undergone. What I do not see as something that I'd be especially interested in. Playing retail Wow.
It's changing the game a lot. If the game has changed often, then there's a good chance that I will always push for there to be a similar option and the capability of playing classic WoW regardless of whether it's vanilla, whether it's burning crusade or wrath of Lich King. As a player, I think that these games should be accessible to everyone, which I believe that's a important aspect.
It's not just for gamers to enjoy it but as far as like you should look into how gaming has evolved over time as well as online games such as wow was literally like it like an international phenomenon. In 20 years. Like 2008 2007 was what was happening in the fortnight of the year 2018. Much like the fortnight before it, it was huge. It was crazy. It was far and far away it was far away.
It's the biggest thing ever. In gaming. I'm extremely proficient in having the ability to play vanilla and playing classic with burning crusade play. Wrath of Lich King, I think it's really important that these features are available and there should be something permanentity, but maybe it's not the case in individual servers, is it. Also, the experience exists. However, to be able back and play, I would say that's very crucial. Yeah.
For me, more than lich king , this is going to be very, very weird. It's going to be special, I think. Because for a lot of players. Classic WoW, was very winning. I don't even know the details of what transpired.If you thought safest place to buy wotlk gold priests were great in TBC, they become even better in wrath of Lich King particularly disk disk, didn't have much from its toolkit in TBC. In Wrath, Lich King, it's even more enriched and they're an irresistible healer.