If you'ven't come across me in darker

  • If you'ven't come across me in other threads, I absolutely hate BR games Dark And Darker Gold. But I've been having an fun thrill in this one - circle included. It seems like it's creating another layer of elements to create a more risky situation, and when it does happen, it results in a situation where you are sucked into... this keeps you moving, even if that means engaging with that trio when you're solo. Get strategic. maybe you lose. Or maybe someone else joins and you gain. Perhaps you have an advantage and also win. i've died plenty to trios, duos and solos. I laugh, sometimes (though I'm not sure it does) click my chat button and explain what I have to say about my dead body and they'll take the information, but what? man, you got me.

    I don't know, but i've got sort of an apathetic approach to the game of survival. Although, I'm always pushing to get out and i'll grunt or do something when I get caught unaware or by a superior player (and there's plentyto be caught unaware, i'm not a professional in all games. XD) and then die in the process, and then i laugh and then shrug, leave the lobby and play again.

    All-round view of Dark And Darker

    It's me admitting it but it isn't fun. There are many enemies with high damage thresholds that are not suitable for new players, the battle royal ring doesn't need to be there because the rewards are random and sparse, and why the ???? is it taking 10 minutes for unlocking a door without locks. In reality, this game has potential but atm cant enjoy it 2/10 for this game.

    I think you're looking at the game wrong, maybe.

    I'm having a blast. I'd rather not die however, I usually expect that to happen. And if I don't and I do cheap Dark And Darker Gold, what happens? Overwhelming satisfaction. But I'm usually laughing when I'm dying because of the situation - the only time I get mad is in the event of a snag, however, that's generally my responsibility.