What's the best pk'ing pure? I'm sure range/2h'ers are the RS gold best in f2p, but what do you feel about the p2p option? This would be an account that is completely everything it requires, with no limitations on the amount of money you can spend.
I'm sure I'll have more questions, but this is for the first time. If anyone is interested in pictures of how I got the free membership, I've screen shot it and it's still on my desktop. I'm not certain why I got it, maybe it was a test for something they're planning to offer in the future?
What is worth it? D-chain or berserker ring? Which is better? SS plus or a fury? Barrows:If I'm doing black sallies, and I want to use it for Karil/Ahrim what should I wear? If a ss comes with similar stats to whips, what makes it suitable to slay? It has like no shield? Is it the ss's best quality? Which one is more superior? SS or Brackish with D Def? How long would a d-def take to be obtained? How long would fighter's toros require to acquire?
Can the special barrows only work if you own the entire set? Is there anything you would say is worth doing and is fun? To kill slayers, I've heard that the Cannon can be attacked and you may also be attacked. Should I use one for any task? What will my inv. look like for slayer? What would my inv./gear look similar to for barrers (Black sallies) What will I wear for it? Do I prefer to melee or range Ahrims/Karils? Do you have a reference for sallies? What exactly should I do to prepare them? Should I trade my claws in exchange for money or equipment? If I want to kill green dragons and green dragonbots... What is the best method?
What are the best things I can hybridize with in an appropriate minigame? I'm playing White FFA... Any good combinations? W/o ancients. Just want to play. I'm familiar with how to construct the rift bots skull but what do I do with the deeper bots? How do I summon something that is 15 levels to summon for the slay task?
Do I change helms every time I switch my style? (Like Berserker to Archer to Farseer) What kind of equipment should I buy? (Like pots, etc.) Food, armor? I want to stock up well as I'd like to do slayer as much as possible. What would my slaying. appear like? Shield to protect yourself when you are ranging? Obby or Defender? Granite?
Lets say a monster is weak to stab and range. What if I want to target him, but I do not own a stab weapon, or will crush work just as well? Thorny snail vs Granite crab? Regen vs combat brace for slayer? Better to range or melee dragons with my stats? Are there rings that can be used for multiple purposes? Mage/range/melee?
When you pray at 60, is chivalry hard to get? The claws of Fury? With Fury I could even earn some money. Do I have any monsters that I could grind to make money from? Shield for P2P mage? Staff to use mage with p2p? 1K Blue drags vs slaying? Any bosses that I can solo? Is it worth the torso? I'm 50 50 on it. Where can I find a group to GWD with?
To be able to sprint 70 str at 70 mph What should I do to train? Do you think slayer is a good choice? If I want to defend 70, where should I be training? I'd like to train this really rapid. ROL vs ROW vs ROR vs zerker ring? Claws of Guthix vs Saradomin strike vs. zamorok. How long cheap Runescape gold does 99 fletching take? How much will it cost? What is the time frame to acquire a staff and an eagle cape from the mage arena.